What I can promise you..

(some people use art as an outlet, I do as well, some draw. I dance, sing, and write)

The other day…it was, what I can’t be, because I was in a shit mood. This is the other side


What I can promise you, if given the chance..

Endless goofiness

Spontaneous music driven drives to nowhere and everywhere

Midnight strolls along the ocean, they’re my favorite.. there’s something about the water

Hugs, hugs, and hugs

Dark, sarcastic, and often inappropriate  humor

Dancing like fools, anywhere there’s room and time, even if there isn’t time

Emotional outbursts or shut downs when shit gets too heavy, I’ll hold you down as well

Breaking out in song at random moments because something reminded me of a song

Coffee, lots of coffee

Brutal Honesty, even when it hurts

Jokes, I laugh at my own because I am just that funny

I’ll stand by as long as you let me



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